An UX Update To The Causal Flows Website
I've recently updated my site to to allow readers to more easily access to my blog posts on introductory causal inference.
Introductory Causal Flows Posts
A lot of my readers have noted that, because my blog shows my latest posts first, it can be difficult for people without a stats background to know where to start. I added sections to the site so less technical folks can easily access introductory material first, placed in an order designed to help a reader effortless develop the intuition necessary to comprehend later more complicated posts. You can access the new introductory section on the Causal Flows website here:
My main reason for doing this, is that I want Causal Flows to serve as a textbook which can be easily referenced whenever you need guidance on how to apply causal analysis to a problem you face. I want you, the reader, to be able to easily reference previous concepts you might have forgotten or to explore explanations of the expansive universe that is causal inference literature. Please check it out if you’re interested in getting the basics of causal inference topics discussed in my more recent posts. (this should be especially helpful if you are a new subscriber).
Other Sections
I’ve also added 3 other sections, as one can see from the navigation bar at the top of the page. Methods is a section containing my discussion of causal inference methods such as propensity score matching. The other two sections Experimentation and Visualizations are empty (at my time of writing this) but hopefully I will be able to populate them with projects I am working on soon. Experimentation will contain posts presenting as a practical guide for building a culture of data-driven culture within your organization, as well as a discussion of how causal inference techniques can help to ensure analyze, validate, and rectify experimentation insights. While the Visualizations section will contain side projects I’ve worked on to complex causal inference topics as interactive visualizations (more involved than those I’ve presented within my articles). Excited to keep proselytizing the causal inference literature and to help more readers tackle challenging causal inference tasks.